
大嶼山路線: 東涌 至 梅窩 經 黃龍坑 (約10.9公里)

1. 東涌地鐵站 黃龍坑郊遊場地 (2.9公里)
2. 黃龍坑郊遊場地 二東山鳳凰徑分岔口 (2.3公里)
3. 二東山鳳凰徑分岔口 南山 (3.5公里)
4. 南山 梅窩碼頭 (2.2公里)
* 距離僅供參考.

1. 東涌地鐵站 黃龍坑郊遊場地 [有廁所]
東涌地鐵站A出口沿天橋到對面的富東廣場, 有很多食店餐廳及超級市場, 出發前可在那吃早餐或買些補給品, 當然在地鐵站那邊也有便利店或速食店. 在路上或有些士多, 但不太確定.

2. 黃龍坑郊遊場地 二東山鳳凰徑分岔口  (黃龍坑郊遊徑)
黃龍坑郊遊徑可說是全港最斜的郊遊徑, 開始的一段都是階級. 尚幸沿路都有些山間水澗, 且有樹蔭遮擋烈日, 縱然是炎夏, 走起來亦算舒服, 除了那爬升時的辛苦.

在二東山鳳凰徑分岔口, 可選擇下坡的梅窩方向, 或是繼續爬升一點點的伯公坳方向. 在梅窩可坐巴士回東涌, 或是午餐後沿奧運徑經白芒走回東涌. 在白公坳, 可坐巴士或走回東涌, 或是繼續爬升至鳳凰山後, 下坡至昂平天壇大佛, 享用齋菜作午餐, 然後坐巴士/步行返回東涌, 或是步行至大澳, 這當然視乎體能而定.

3. 二東山鳳凰徑分岔口 南山 [有廁所]  (部分鳳凰徑第二段)
往梅窩的方向都是下坡路, 可以看到銀礦灣, 坪洲一帶的風景, 景色優美. 沿路會遇上一兩個山間泉水, 清涼消暑.

4. 南山 梅窩碼頭  (鳳凰徑第一段)
這段較為沉悶, 因為都是走馬路旁的行人路. 到梅窩後, 可坐巴士回東涌, 或是午餐後沿奧運徑經白芒走回東涌.

# 參考連結:
>>> 鳳凰徑 pdf地圖 [第一段] [第二段]  – 郊野樂行

(English version please click below link)

Lantau Island Route: Tung Chung to Mui Wo via Wong Lung Hang (about 10.9km)

1. Tung Chung MTR station to Wong Lung Hang Picnic Site (about 2.9km)
2. Wong Lung Hang Picnic Site to junction of Lantau Trail at Yi Tung Shan (about 2.3km)
3. Junction of Lantau Trail Section 2 to Nam Shan (about 3.5km)
4. Nam Shan to Mui Wo Ferry Pier (about 2.2km)

* All distances are for reference only.

1. Tung Chung MTR station to Wong Lung Hang Picnic Site [with toilet]
From MTR station Exit A, take the pedestrian bridge to the opposite side, Fu Tung Plaza, it’s a shopping center with lots of food shops and supermarket. Therefore you can have breakfast or buy the stuff there. Sure the shops in MTR have all the things you need as well. You may find some stores on the way but not so sure for that.

2. Wong Lung Hang Picnic Site to junction of Lantau Trail at Yi Tung Shan
(Wong Lung Hang Country Trail)
Wong Lung Hang Country Trail is the steepest country trail in Hong Kong, many steps at the beginning. Lucky there are some rain (spring) water spots on the way and shade of the trees make you feel better from the burning sun. It’s all about the steps, hard one.
At the Junction of Lantau Trail at Yi Tung Shan, you can downhill to Mui Wo or keep going up a little bit to Pak Kung Au. While you are at Mui Wo, you can either take the bus back to Tung Chung, or having lunch there and walk back to Tung Chung via Olympic Trail and Pak Mong. While you are at Pak Kung Au, you either take the bus or walk back to Tung Chung. Or you can keep going up to the Lantau Peak then downhill to Ngong Ping, the Buddha Statue, having vegetarian dishes for lunch. If you’re fit enough, you can walk back to Tung Chung or even walk to Tai O, otherwise just take the bus.

3. Junction of Lantau Trail at Yi Tung Shan to Nam Shan [with toilet] (part of Lantau Trail Section 2)
The way to Mui Wo from the junction is downhill, you can see scenic views of Silver Mine Bay and the surroundings. Also you can find one or two rain (spring) water spots on the way, which is nice and cool.

4. Nam Shan to Mui Wo Ferry Pier (Lantau Trail Section 1)
This section is a bit boring because of the concrete road and the roadway. While you are at Mui Wo, you can either take the bus back to Tung Chung, or having lunch there and walk back to Tung Chung via Olympic Trail and Pak Mong.

# references:
>>> Lantau Trail PDF map [Section 1] [Section 2] – Enjoy Hiking

rev. 2014.07.20
tam © 2014.07.17

